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Session on 'Mental Health and Self-care during COVID-19' at the SSB Medics Training Center, Shimla

On 4 June 2021, team Doers facilitated a training session on 'Mental Health and Self-care during COVID-19' organized by the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) Medics Training Centre, Shimla, for their personnel. Dr. P. Mitra (Commandant, Medical) of the MTC Shimla, chaired the session and provided valuable inputs after the session. Ms. Anuradha, Program Manager at Doers, facilitated this session which was attended by more than 50 officers and trainees from the SSB. Ms. Madhu Lipsa Behera, Project Associate at Doers, assisted Ms. Anuradha during the session.

While exchanging their experiences and sharing their concerns and queries regarding the mental health during the COVID-19 times, participants discovered some very crucial aspects of self-care and mental health in the session. As it was an on-site training session after a long time, all the safety procedures related to COVID-19 protocol was followed during the training session. Due to health-concerns, the number of learning activities conducted during the session were limited but still the session was interactive and engaging. The session was much appreciated by the organizers as well as the participants.

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1 comentário

Membro desconhecido
19 de jun. de 2021

Is was very interacting session. Experienced and dedicated staff of The Doers is doing a great job. Best wishes team Doers.😍and this new website of yours is smooth and elegant .

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